
Applying Thought Leadership to Achieve Superior Business Results

A Swift partnership extends beyond superior IT and Business Process Outsourcing services by delivering actionable insights that support your ever-changing business needs.

Know-how sets us apart.

It’s our business to know how the latest innovations in information technology can be harnessed to support your unique business requirements. Sample our white papers and case studies for fresh insights on the tools, techniques and services we leverage day in and day out to solve your most pressing business challenges.

Read our Swifti journal and participate in our Swift eCommunity to see firsthand the fresh thinking that distinguishes Swift in the global services industry.

Case Studies

Learn how we work closely with our clients to reduce costs, improve operational efficiency and deliver new business capabilities.

The Swift Difference
It's in our DNA. Placing our clients first is embedded in the Swift culture. By investing in our people and resources, we bring new ideas and innovation to help you succeed in a changing business environment.

With our Two-in-a-Box™ (TiB) client engagement model, we embed senior personnel with demonstrated industry expertise within your IT organization who coordinate strategy with dedicated offsite delivery managers, freeing your team to concentrate on core business objectives.

Swift 2.0

By employing the Swift 2.0 platform, we can bring the best people, resources and capabilities of our global delivery system to any client, anywhere.
Swift Software Solutions. 1S462 Stewart ave,
Lombard, IL 60148.
Phone: +1 630 359 7235