Scientific, Technical & Medical Information
Economic turmoil combined with the advent of content aggregators and search engines has altered the factors that drive competitive advantage in the scientific, technical and medical information industry.

Today more than ever, information needs to be delivered at the right time, right place and in the right format. We bring to bear relevant technology and business expertise by virtue of working with the top information services companies, along with a mix of cross domain insights across pharmaceutical, life sciences, healthcare, banking and financial services.

Insights and Solutions

With proven technological expertise and industry knowledge, we help clients with business strategy, application development and maintenance, business process outsourcing, IT infrastructure outsourcing and package deployment solutions.
Technology as Core Competence
The focus for technology in this sector has shifted from being merely an enabler of content delivery to supporting workflows, decision-making and customizing information to fit consumer needs. Swift Business Consulting along with our Mobile Center of Excellence and Content Management practice strives to align IT with strategic business objectives.
Newer Markets and Segments
New healthcare regulations provide an impetus for clinical decision support and improved point of care utilization of electronic medical records. Emerging economies provide further opportunities of growth. With our unique global delivery and domain expertise we can scale up to provide services in line with your expansion plans.
Open Access
With an increasing appetite for research efficiency combined with the unrelenting budget squeeze for libraries, customers are demanding more open access. Our Business Consulting and Advanced Solutions groups can help you chart an optimal approach to open access, and help you decide what and how much can be rendered as "open access".
Mobile & Cloud Computing
Improvements in mobile computing capacity are encouraging users to adopt handheld devices to access content anytime anywhere. With a dedicated Mobile Center of Excellence we ensure you aren’t left behind the technology curve. We also understand the infrastructure challenges posed by aggressive growth plans and our Cloud Computing Center of Excellence can help deliver on-demand computational capabilities.
Swift Software Solutions. 1S462 Stewart ave,
Lombard, IL 60148.
Phone: +1 630 359 7235